Scat the Black Cat returns!

After a wobbly start to Scat’s re-launch, thanks to C19, Scat has finally found firm footing for his return. Ready to face his readers with a new cover and a revised version of his book, this wily feline feels confident that more children will enjoy his fabulous tale.

Bullying affects everyone. It’s not easy to overcome the sense of helplessness you feel when you are bullied by someone. Nor is it easy to understand that some bullies have their own terrible tales to tell. Scat follows the path of vengeance against his bully but soon learns that there are consequences to every action.

Watch Scat’s story here and share it with your family and friends.

What would you do if you were Scat?

Order your copy of Scat the Black Cat here.

scat front cover 2020


Who’s Joining the Spoilt Miranda series?

It has been the long awaited sequel to Cecil the Bully and Spoilt Miranda. At last, their friends will be getting a chance to tell their own tale of meeting the infamous Ms Crow and her deadly stare.

Without further ado, I present:

Snotty Norman and Spotty Sally Find Fame

Now that the year 6 children of Arden White Primary School have enjoyed their summer holidays and forged new friendships outside the confines of the school grounds, we meet them again as they start their first day at Evelyn Winsborough Academy – a school with a reputation for aggressive behaviour and truancy.

Little do they know that the school has had a major overhaul over the last year. With sparkling new classrooms and hi-tech gear to keep the children occupied (and monitored), Mr Dank, the Head Teacher, expects a high standard of behaviour from the newbies. Unfortunately for him, he doesn’t know what’s coming his way as the notorious Arden White crew start their new year causing chaos down the clean halls and run riot over brittle-backed teachers.

Join the young ruffians as they encounter Ms Crow again in a comical calamity that leaves the teachers huffing and the children puffing to get out of her way!


Cecil and Miranda’s Young Reviewers

img_7378-1Working as a junior school librarian has given me the opportunity to see first-hand, how my books affect their readers. Young readers don’t get an opportunity to write book reviews for titles they’ve enjoyed unless it is in-house, that is, in their classroom or school library. I like to encourage my students to share their views with each other by offering up a suggestion box in our library which is filled with book titles chosen by my young readers. I’m happy to add Spoilt Miranda and Cecil the Bully have made the cut!

img_6534-1When discussing books, I get a lot of feedback from my younger readers that Spoilt Miranda is strange and takes the younger reviewer on a confusing journey of dreams before she resolves her situation. My older customers get it though and enjoy the ride. Sometimes scary, sometimes thrilling, the idea of Spoilt Miranda is controversial and encourages discussion on how her silly behaviour could have been dealt with in a better manner. I like this because it makes the reader think further than just the story.

Cecil, on the other hand, encourages my readers of any age to think of what steps they would take to sort out a bully. From standing up to him or joining his ranks, there are always amusing points of view. The slapstick comedy goes down a treat and adds to the entertainment factor of the book, according to the young reviewers. This is something to consider when I write the next sequel to the Arden White Primary School students.

Give or take the marmite reflections on my books by the young students at my school, I’m pleased to share the news that they are mostly enjoyed and well read. It gives me great pleasure to see this and I do hope more children are enjoying my books around the world.


Check out my other titles available from these links:

Or give me a shout out on Twitter:


Thanks for reading and good luck!

Book Tuesday

Hello and welcome to Book Tuesday. I’m in the middle of a crime fiction at the moment, which promises to be good. So, instead of a book review for this week, I thought I’d treat you to a short story. My inspiration for this story comes from the cruelty we show each other. I’m taking you back to the school room and using an example of temptations our children face these days. Let me know what you think of it. Continue reading “Book Tuesday”

Spoilt Miranda

It is with huge excitement I announce the arrival of Spoilt Miranda in audio format.  The wonderful, talented and incredibly kind Kate Shrewsday has helped me create a version of Miranda that is easy to download and enjoy aspoilt miranda covert bedtimes or on the road – perfect for driving to the Dorset coast where Miranda goes on holiday with her parents and siblings!

After Googling Spoilt Miranda to see how many sites have picked up on her, I discovered a new site called which is offering Miranda at R21 in South Africa.  It’s strange to think that someone will be purchasing Spoilt Miranda close to where I came from!  How fantastic is that? The most surprising place I’ve found Miranda is listed on Ebay through a variety of sellers.

A massive thank you to all who have purchased Spoilt Miranda.  Please, don’t forget to leave your review of the book from your point of purchase.  Thank you.

Readers’ Favourite have given Spoilt Miranda 5 stars. Here’s their review of the book:

Book Review

Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers’ Favorite

Spoilt Miranda by Eloise De Sousa revolves around Miranda and her tantrums that are driving her family mad. Miranda is a spoilt and sulky child, unlike her brothers and sisters. Her parents found it embarrassing to take her anywhere with them because she would sulk and pout – she thought no one could touch her, including the policewoman who comes to check on her. The family goes to Aunt Joan’s beach house on the Dorset coast for their summer family holiday. Miranda continues with her usual behavior, but for once Miranda finds herself on the other end of tantrums. She finds it surprising at first, and scowls and pouts to no avail. Will she realize her mistakes and change for the better? Or will she still be the same incorrigible Miranda?

It is a good story that tells kids about the disadvantages of being a problematic child and how one person’s tantrums can spoil everything for the other siblings in the family. The changes that come about in Miranda during their summer vacation are indeed inspirational for kids to rectify their behavior. The illustrations are good and they give a personality to Miranda and the rest of the characters in the story. Miranda’s character is relatable since many parents have kids like Miranda. It is a peppy story that kids will enjoy reading. Miranda and her dreams tell us how kids make a scary place for themselves. The terrible tantrums, summer holidays and the kids make this book a wonderful read.

spoilt miranda cover
Click here to order your copy

cecil coverNext in the series is Cecil The Bully.  Order your copy here.

Cecil The Bully

20160602_110019000_iOSCecil and his friends are the best at playing pranks on others, especially their teacher, Mr Barns. But, after a seriously bad prank involving exploding Easter Eggs, Mrs Palmer, the Head Teacher, decides that Cecil and his minions have gone too far!

The Police are called in and a specialist teacher is sent to the school to teach those badly behaved Year 6’s a lesson they won’t forget. You might remember her: the tall, thin woman with the raven black hair.  Her name is Ms Crow and she has a knack of finding children that don’t behave.

Will she teach Cecil and his gang a lesson, or will their pranks prove to be too much for Ms Crow?


cecil cover
Click here for your copy.